Testosterone: Certain testosterone supplements on this list may be effective if you’re seeking for a straightforward method of increasing testosterone levels organically. These products may be particularly beneficial for men who have low testosterone levels or who are experiencing fertility problems.
It may be required to seek additional treatment if you are having significant signs of testosterone deficiency such as fatigue, decreased libido, and muscle wasting. As a result, consult with your doctor to determine whether additional therapies, such as testosterone injections or prescription drugs, are required.
The male sex hormone testosterone is produced in the testicles. Testosterone levels are crucial for appropriate male sexual development and function.
During puberty (adolescence), testosterone aids the development of male characteristics such as body and facial hair, a deeper voice, and muscle strength in males. To produce sperm, men require testosterone. Testosterone levels decline with age, therefore older men tend to have low testosterone levels in their blood.
Testosterone levels in some guys are low. Testosterone Deficiency Syndrome (TDS) or Low Testosterone is the medical term for this condition (Low-T). A deficiency occurs when the body lacks sufficient amounts of a required substance. A syndrome is a collection of symptoms that, when taken collectively, indicate the presence of a disease or health condition.
Low blood testosterone (Low-T) is defined as fewer than 300 nanograms per deciliter (ng/dL) by the American Urological Association (AUA). Low-T may be accompanied by the following symptoms or conditions:

- Drive for low sex
- Fatigue
- Lean muscle mass loss
- Irritability
- Erectile dysfunction (ED) is a condition that affects men
- Depression
There are a variety of potential causes for similar symptoms, including opiate usage, various congenital disorders (medical abnormalities that are present at birth), testicular loss or damage, diabetes, and obesity (being overweight). If you have any of these symptoms, you should see a doctor.
What is Testosterone?
Testosterone is:

If you have Low-T, testosterone therapy (TT) may be required. The FDA and the AUA both recommend that TT be used to address birth defects such Klinefelter syndrome.
You may also require TT if your testicles are damaged or lost. If your testicles are removed due to a disease like cancer, you may require TT. If both symptoms of Low-T and blood testing show Low-T levels, most men with Low-T (regardless of the cause) will be treated. If you think you might need TT, talk to your doctor.
TT may be beneficial, but it also has the potential to be dangerous. (For further information on these adverse effects, see the section below.) The Federal Medicine Administration (FDA) has stated that testosterone drug labels should include a warning that some men who use testosterone products may be at risk for heart disease and stroke. Before starting TT, and at regular intervals while on it, all men should be examined for heart disease and stroke. The AUA, on the other hand, has concluded that there is no solid evidence that TT increases or decreases the risk of cardiovascular events, based on a rigorous evaluation of evidence-based peer-reviewed research.
When the FDA discovered that men were being treated for Low-T owing to aging alone, they were concerned. More research is being done to learn more about TT in older males. Your doctor will discuss the benefits and risks of TT with you, as well as how to address your symptoms.
Low Testosterone
It’s difficult to say how many men have TD, although evidence suggests that about 2.1 percent of males (about 2 men in every 100) may have it. TD can affect as few as 1% of younger men, but it can affect as many as 50% of men over the age of 80. People that study the illness frequently use various cut-off points for the numbers, so you may hear a variety of numbers.
Men with diabetes or who are overweight are more likely to get TD. According to one study, 30% of overweight men had Low-T, compared to only 6.4 percent of normal-weight males. Diabetes was discovered to be a risk factor for TD in the same study. Another study found that 24.5 percent of diabetic males had Low-T, compared to 12.6 percent of men without diabetes.
Low Testosterone can manifest itself in a variety of ways. Some are more closely linked to Low-T levels than others (specific signs and symptoms). Others may or may not be connected (non-specific signs and symptoms). Your doctor will assist you in making sense of your circumstances.
Symptoms and Signs of Testosterone Deficiency (TD)
Specific symptoms are those that are more likely to be associated with TD, such as:
- Reduced desire for sex
- Erectile dysfunction (erectile dysfunction) is a condition in which a man’s
- Hair loss on the body
- Beard growth is reduced.
- Lean muscle mass loss
- Feeling exhausted all of the time (fatigue)
- Obesity is a problem that affects many people (being overweight)
- Depression symptoms
Testosterone Deficiency and Symptoms
Non-specific symptoms include ones that aren’t always associated to TD, such as:
- Physical strength, endurance, and energy levels are all reduced.
- Memory problems
- Finding it difficult to say what you want to say
- Poor concentration
- Work isn’t going well
It’s possible that you don’t have TD if you experience any of the particular or non-specific symptoms. However, if you have a combination of symptoms, such as becoming increasingly exhausted and unhappy over time and this is a new experience for you, you should consider testing for TD.
It’s possible that a lack of sexual desire isn’t enough to indicate that you have TD. However, if you experience low sexual desire, poor erectile function, and feelings of melancholy and exhaustion, you should consult your doctor.
Testosterone Deficiency (TD) is a condition that some people are born with:
- Klinefelter syndrome is a condition that affects people.
- The Noonan syndrome is a condition that affects people.
- Genitalia that are ambiguous (when the sex organs develop in ways that are not typical looking)
Low-T can be caused by a variety of factors, including the following:
- Accidental testicular damage
- Cancer caused the testicles to be removed.
- Chemotherapy or radiation are two options for treating cancer.
- Hormone insufficiency due to pituitary gland disease
- Infection
- Autoimmune illness is a type of autoimmune disease (when the body makes antibodies that attack its own cells)
Basically, if your testicles continue to produce less testosterone than normal, your testosterone levels in your blood will drop. Low-T levels are found in many males who acquire TD and are connected to:
- Aging
- Obesity
- Metabolic syndrome is a condition in which the body’s metabolism (high blood pressure, high blood sugar, unhealthy cholesterol levels, and belly fat)
- Medications such as antidepressants and narcotic pain relievers are commonly used.
Low testosterone is also common in men with specific health issues. Here are a few examples:
- HIV is a virus that infects (about 30 out of 100 also have low testosterone)
- AIDS is a disease that affects millions of (about 50 out of 100 also have low testosterone)
Diagnosis Testosterone
Although Low Testosterone (Low-T) can cause a variety of symptoms, the most essential indicator of testosterone insufficiency is the total blood testosterone level. In addition to your testosterone blood level, your doctor will use other particular indications and symptoms to reach a diagnosis.
Your medical history will be obtained at your appointment, and the doctor will perform an examination and look for some of the signs and symptoms listed in this article.
Medical History
Your doctor might inquire about:
Headache, shift in visual field (possible symptoms of brain mass such as a pituitary tumor)
How did you grow up during puberty?
- Head injury history
- Surgical removal of a brain tumor or cranial irradiation
- Anosmia is a condition in which a person is unable (loss of ability to smell)
- Infections in your testicles in the past
- Your testicles have been injured.
- Mumps who have reached puberty
- Anabolic steroid use in the past or present
- Opioid abuse
- Glucocorticoids are a kind of glucocorticoid that is used to (medicines, such as cortisone, used to treat inflammation)
- Chemotherapy or irradiation history
- Diseases associated to Low-T in the family history
- Stroke or heart attack history
- Undiagnosed anemia in the past
The following are things your doctor will look for:
- Obesity is measured by BMI or waist circumference.
- Metabolic syndrome is a condition in which the body’s metabolism is disrupt Increased blood pressure, high blood sugar, extra body fat around the waist, and abnormal cholesterol or triglyceride levels are all signs of high blood pressure, high blood sugar, excess body fat around the waist, and abnormal cholesterol or triglyceride levels.
- Hair type, quantity, and location
- Gynecomastia is a condition that affects men (enlarged breasts)
- The presence of testicles and their size
- Size of the prostate and any anomalies
These blood tests may be ordered by your doctor:
- Testosterone level in whole. This test should be performed twice on samples collected before noon. Later in the day, testosterone levels are lower. If you are ill, the doctor will wait until you are no longer ill before performing the test because your illness could result in a false result.
- Luteinizing hormone (LH) is a Growth Hormone that helps the body (LH). This test is used to determine what is causing a Low-T level. This hormone regulates the production of testosterone. A issue with the pituitary gland could cause abnormal levels.
- Prolactin levels in the blood. If your prolactin level is very high, your doctor may order a second blood test to ensure that there was no mistake. High prolactin levels can also indicate pituitary issues or malignancies.
- Hemoglobin, or Hgb, is a protein found in the blood. Your doctor will investigate for alternative causes of low Hgb before performing this test, such as climate level (such as climatic altitude), sleep apnea, or cigarette smoking.
To aid in further diagnosis, you can also conduct the following:
- Hormone that stimulates the formation of new follicles (FSH). If you wish to start a family, this test will determine whether or not you have sperm-producing capacity. Semen testing may also be required. Before any hormone ( hgh ) therapy, these tests will be performed.
- If there are breast complaints, an estradiol hormone test is performed.
- A HbA1C blood test can be used to diagnose diabetes.
- The pituitary gland’s MRI (magnetic resonance imaging)
- Bone density tests are performed.
- Karyotype is a term used to describe a type of (Chromosome tests).
- You may have heard of free testosterone or testosterone bioavailability testing. These aren’t the same as testosterone levels in the blood. Inquire with your doctor about the differences and whether these tests are necessary.
More males between the ages of 40 and 64 have been tested and administered TT in recent years, thanks to increased media coverage of Testosterone Therpy (TT). Some men may even want TT without being evaluated if they have particular symptoms. This behavior might not be beneficial or safe for them. Before each TT, the total testosterone level should be checked.
Only males who match the clinical and laboratory definitions of testosterone shortage (Testosterone level of less than 300 ng/dL) should be prescribed TT, according to the AUA. The following are some of the things you should know about TT:
If you have any of the following conditions, your doctor will most likely test your testosterone level:
- Anemia with no known cause
- Diabetes
- Loss of bone density
- Bone fracture with a low level of trauma
- Your testicles are exposed to radiation.
- Positive HIV/AIDS test results
- Use of narcotics on a long-term basis
- Infertility history
- Disorders of the pituitary gland
- Your doctor may test your total testosterone level for these diseases even if you don’t have any specific signs or symptoms:
- Insulin resistance is a condition in which the body’s
- Chemotherapy’s history
- Use of corticosteroid medications in the past
- Changes in your health, such as decreasing weight and increasing your physical activity, are likely to increase your testosterone levels.
- While on TT, your doctor will want to check your hemoglobin/hematocrit (Hgb/Hct) levels. This blood test can determine if your blood is thickening.
- Blood clots can be caused by blood thickening. Hgb/Hct levels may be tested two to six weeks after you begin TT and then every six to twelve months following that.
- When you’re on TT, your doctor will pay more attention to you if you’re at risk for heart disease. It’s also critical to make lifestyle adjustments to reduce the risk of heart and blood vessel disease.
- Your doctor will try to elevate your Low-T level above 300ng/dl, however the actual number will vary.
- Your doctor will keep a close eye on you for signs and symptoms of recovery. Any changes will most likely occur three to six months after starting treatment.
- If your total testosterone blood level returns to normal but you still experience symptoms, there’s a good chance they’re caused by something else. Your doctor might advise you to stop using TT and see if there’s anything else wrong.
What Is the Best Way to Take Testosterone?
Testosterone can be consumed in five distinct ways. Transdermal (through the skin), injectable, oral/buccal (by mouth), intranasal (through the nose), and pellets under the skin are the methods available. There is no one method that is superior to another. Your doctor will test your blood for testosterone levels while you are taking TT.
Here are some specifics regarding each of the five methods:
- Transdermal (transdermal) (Topical). Topical gels, creams, liquids, and patches are available. The majority of topical medications have a four-day shelf life. If you cover them with an airtight or watertight covering, they will absorb more quickly.
- Apply liquids and gels, lotions, and patches to clean, dry skin that is free of wounds and scrapes.
- Do not wash the area until the next dose is due.
- After using liquids, gels, or creams, wash your hands.
- Make sure no one else touches the medications, especially ladies and children.
A topical patch is similar to a band-aid that contains medicine. You put it on and forget about it until it’s time for the next dose. The drug on the patch is less likely to transmit to others than liquids, gels, or creams.
- Injection. There are two types of testosterone injections: short-acting and long-acting. The short-acting medication can be injected into the muscle or under the skin. The muscle is normally given the long-acting one. Injections are commonly administered once a week, twice a week, or once a month.
- Buccal/oral (by mouth). The buccal dosage is administered through a patch placed above your incisor (canine or “eyetooth”). Although the drug seems to be a tablet, it should not be chewed or swallowed. The medication is released over a 12-hour period. Although this approach has less negative side effects on the liver than swallowing the medicine, it may induce headaches or discomfort where it is placed.
- Intranasal. This testosterone is in the form of a gel. As prescribed, you pump the dose into each nostril. It’s typically taken three times each day.
- Pellets. The testosterone pellets will be implanted under the skin of your upper hip or buttocks by your doctor. Your doctor will numb your skin with local anesthesia before making a small cut and inserting the pellets into the fatty tissues beneath your skin. Depending on the quantity of pellets, this drug dissolves slowly and is released over a period of 3-6 months.
You may choose to take your testosterone in a way that is most effective or useful for you. In some situations, the order in which testosterone therapy are administered is determined by your insurance provider. Consult your doctor about your options.
Are There Any Side Effects?
- TT has certain negative side effects. Some of the adverse effects are minor, while others are severe. Ask your doctor or pharmacist about these side effects, and keep an eye out for them while taking TT. The following are some of the negative effects:
- There may be some redness at the skin’s surface while using gels and liquids. Patches can cause itching and a rash in the surrounding area. Back discomfort is reported by only a tiny percentage of patients.
- You may experience a reaction at the injection site with short-acting injections. The long-acting injectable has caused severe allergic responses in some people. As a result, they will keep a tight eye on you in the medical office after you receive the long-acting injectable.
- Swelling, discomfort, bruising, and, in rare cases, hematoma are all possible side effects of testosterone pellets (clotted blood under the skin).
- The risk of erythrocytosis is higher during TT (abnormal raising of blood hemoglobin and hematocrit).
- Normal sperm production may be disrupted by TT. If you plan to have children soon, you should avoid TT. If you’re being treated for Low-T, your doctor may recommend sperm production treatment as well.
- Topical testosterone, such as gels, creams, and liquids, has the potential to spread to others. Contact with them puts women and children at the greatest danger of harm. After applying the medication, make sure to cover the area and thoroughly wash your hands. Make that the area where the topical TT is applied does not come into contact with anyone else, as this could spread the drug.
- If you use topical testosterone, the FDA recommends keeping an eye out for signs and symptoms of early puberty in a child you live with or have contact with. Allow no minors to come into contact with the unwashed or unclothed area where the medicine is stored.
Here are a few things to keep in mind:
- There is no proof that TT causes prostate cancer.
- There is no conclusive evidence that TT causes an increase in venous clots.
- There is no conclusive evidence that TT enhances or decreases the risk of cardiovascular events at this time. If you suffer signs or symptoms of a stroke or heart attack while taking TT, you should contact your doctor right soon.
After Treatment
Keep in mind that each person is different, and each body reacts to treatment differently. Erectile dysfunction, low sex desire, bone marrow density, anemia, lean body mass, and/or depression symptoms may all benefit with TT. There is, however, no clear evidence that TT will improve memory recall, diabetes measurements, energy, weariness, lipid profiles, or quality of life.
Your testosterone level will need to be checked on a regular basis to ensure that it remains normal. Total testosterone and some other lab tests should be evaluated every 6-12 months in patients who are stable on TT.
If you are overweight, aim to stay within the appropriate weight ranges. Increasing your physical activity can help you lose weight while also raising your testosterone levels.
Pros and cons
It is effective in replacing testosterone in your body.
Because it may be put to your skin, it is simple to apply.
Once a day application is required.
Available in tubes, packets, or as a pump, depending on your needs.
Generic versions are also available at a lower cost.
It is possible to get skin inflammation.
It is necessary to avoid skin-to-skin contact with other people.
You’ll have to wait for several hours before you may wash, swim, or bathe.
It is necessary to adhere to precise directions as to where and how it should be used.
Should only be used under strong supervision and after careful consideration. Only human growth hormone that has been prescribed by a doctor should be used. Remember to follow up with your doctor on a regular basis while you’re on the medication.
Examine your body’s reaction to see if you have any harmful side effects. In the event that you wish to gain muscle or improve your health but do not have a medical condition that causes growth hormone insufficiency, you may want to look into alternative means of accomplishing your goals. You may improve your general health and well-being by eating a good diet, getting regular exercise, and engaging in healthy behaviors.